Sunday, February 2, 2014

Servants, Presidents, Parenting Advice, among other things...

Exodus 21:6- I have always been impressed with the idea of awling a servant's ear. I feel like that would hurt a lot! I heard a story one time about a guy who did this and then put a gauge in his ear. He said he did it to constantly remind himself about the pain of serving. Often when you serve God you go through painful experiences but it is worth it.

Exodus 22:28- "You shall not revile God, nor curse a ruler of your people" (NKJV). Two words "President Obama." Don't do it.

Exodus 23:2-3- In a world that is extremely grey not perverting justice is so hard. Especially when people ask the question, "Well what is justice anyway?" So often people do not get what they deserve. Or people are punished for things they never did! Yet, the Bible says not to pervert justice. Getting what you think is right isn't actually always right.

Exodus 23:8- "And you shall take no bribe, for a bribe blinds the discerning and perverts the words of the righteous" (NKJV). Parenting tip from Exodus. Don't bribe your kids. Maybe offer contracts instead.

Exodus 23:29-The reason that God did not automatically get rid of the Israelite's enemies was that someone was needed to care for the land. I never noticed that before.

Exodus 23:33- Serving other gods is a snare. So true. Ok let's see what are my other gods? Well, I tend to put school work pretty high up there on the list. I need to be careful that my job doesn't become my god. It's not really the most important thing in the world. God, and then people are.

Exodus 24:11- "They saw God" What an awesome statement!

Exodus 24:13- There is Joshua the assistant. He's not a main character yet, but he gets there.

It's amazing the little things you learn in Exodus.

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