Sunday, February 2, 2014

Lessons for your Journey

Tonight I was reading my Bible and just ran out of time. I was reading through Exodus. I had many thoughts.

Exodus 15:22-The Israelites start complaining about bitter water. The Israelites casually asked Moses what they were going to do. Yet, this was labeled as complaining. They were expressing their concern. This was kind of a wake-up call to me. So often I question why God was doing something instead of trusting Him. Sure three days earlier God had parted the Red Sea. Maybe the Israelites were being a little impatient but God does so much for me and yet I chose to worry instead of trusting God to handle something as simple as clean drinking water. This passage also makes me so thankful because God has provided me with clean drinking water everyday. Even writing this I have realized that not everyone has clean drinking water.

Exodus 15:26-God is declared the LORD who heals you. I never realized that God was called that. I figured God was called a God of healing because God does heal but I never noticed that this verse existed.

Exodus 16:1-"on the fifteenth day of the second month after they departed from the land of Egypt" (NKJV). The Israelites officially say "Oh that we had died by the hand of the LORD in the land of Egypt, when we sat by the pots of meat and when we ate bread to the full! For you have brought us out into this wilderness to kill this whole assembly with hunger" (NKJV). In the time that it takes to go from the beginning of February to my birthday the Israelites are done. There perspective has been warped by the hot sun. Every day they have a cloud, and every night they have a pillar of fire representing the leading of the Lord yet they are finished. They miss the comfort of Egypt. Even though they know God is with them they want the comfort of their old lives. How convicting is that!? I have days were I miss the comfort and stability of life. Yet, I have representation everyday of the presence of the Lord in my life. Just food for thought.

Exodus 16:16, 18- God talks to the Israelites about collecting manna. God says that everyone can collect what they need but they are not to gather more than they need. This made me think of proper stewardship along with the realization that God provides constantly for my daily needs. God wants us to live everyday not worrying about the future because He has given us what we need to survive for today.

Exodus 16:29- God institutes a Sabbath rest, again reinforcing the idea that He provides everything you need for everyday. You can rest knowing God will take care of you.

Exodus 16:31-Manna literally means What? Old Testament version of a thingamabober

Exodus 18:4-Eliezer literally means My God Is Help that would be an awesome name for a son! He could introduce himself as Eli though.

Exodus 19:13- The Israelites could have come into the presence of God!!! I never realized that was what was going on in this passage before! What a terrifying opportunity. The Israelites opt out of actually meeting God in Exodus 20:19, 21. The Israelites were correct in their fear and respect of God. At the same time I feel like they really missed out! The Israelites fear really puts things into perspective. I tend to take advantage of my ability to meet with God. I think I need to take my interactions with God much more seriously. He is a loving Father but He is still God Almighty.

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